Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 8: My Medical Qualifications Are Based on Watching ER

Well, I had to go into work today which really have a negative impact on my ability to do random things off of Pinterest in order to help humanity progress...
However, I have been doing something on Pinterest for the past few days I can write about....
I, like many asthma suffers, am currently going through one of those awesome times of the year when nighttime asthma kicks in and I constantly wake up coughing.  If you haven't experienced this, well, you're missing out on something AWESOME...not.
I found this on Pinterest and did some research:

For the past several nights I've been mixing a drop or two of eucalyptus oil into lotion and rubbing it on my feet and then putting socks on.... Guess what.... No coughing!!!  I purposely didn't try it and last night (bad life choice) and was of course coughing.
Now, I read all over and the oil definitely needs to be diluted with something and you only need a couple of drops.  Before you trust my medical knowledge (please read the title to see where I got it), check with a doctor if you have other medical issues.  Eucalyptus is one of the ingredients in Vicks, but Vicks is messy and has all sorts of unhealthy chemicals in it.   Another suggestion was putting some drops in the humidifier.
So, I'm content with this Pinterest project because I don't feel like I'm going to die in the middle of the night, and that's a good thing.

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