Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 14/15: Backstreet Boys and Watermelon Gazpacho

I willingly ate my first tomato at 26.... 3 years after my first Backstreet Boys concert.  Yes,  these two  things have nothing in common.
Day 14: my friend Amy (of cannoli and t-shirt headband fame) scored us tickets to a live taping of America's Got Talent, and the Backstreet Boys were performing!  Now, the Backstreet Boys are not up there on my "musician" list. They're more in the "entertainers" category for me.  I went to see them years ago in VA with my roommate at the time Katy (Kristin, Katy and I had decided that decorating our townhouse with Backstreet Boy posters and magnets was hilarious.. And it kind of was). It was the first concert where, when everyone stood up, I cold still see over their heads because everyone else was 8 years old.  Anyway, last night was fun seeing them perform, but it was even more fun seeing Heidi Klum and Mel B (I've been in the same line getting hot chocolate as Howard Stern before and Howie Mandel is skinnier than my pinky finger....ew).   So I pinned an America's Got Talent pic on my Pinterest board and that was yesterday's activity.
Today?  Well Amy and I were going to make lunch, but the weather was so nice that we headed downtown to the Seaport to eat some yummy grilled cheese instead!
So my Pinterest project for tonight?  Well, back to tomatoes, I freakin' LOVE gazpacho!  Hate tomato sauce, love gazpacho.   I have yet to make gazpacho this year so I decided to make watermelon gazpacho following this recipe:
Ridiculously easy, but I substituted the white wine vinegar for sherry vinegar (which is much much better and what a true gazpacho should use) and tossed in some olive oil (same thing.  You want Spanish food?  There had better be olive oil in it).   Really delicious, no ingredient outdoing another and perfect for a summer day.  Highly recommend (add the vinegar and olive oil to taste once you've blended the other ingredients).

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