Wednesday, July 31, 2013

31 Days of Pinterest Activities Starts Tomorrow

I, like many people I know, have been known to spend copious amounts of time on Pinterest.  It's fun looking at the pictures, recipes, home decor ideas, etc. and dreaming about ridiculous places to travel and abs I'll never have.
I've been on Pinterest for well over a year now and I've done exactly three things that I've pinned.  Three.   Maybe that number wouldn't be so bad if I'd only spent three minutes of my life on Pinterest, but that's not the case.  In over a year I've pinned numerous recipes, craft ideas, trip ideas and random quotes.  I've wasted a lot of time....
That's where the Pinterest Productivity Project comes in.  I'm order to give meaning to my pinning addiction I've decided I actually need to start completing some of these projects.  So, for every day in the entire month of August I will being cooking, crafting or trying one thing I've pinned.   After August, one item a week.   I will be writing about each dish, craft,  workout plan I try.
  Now, I live in a tiny apartment in New York and I live by myself, so I have a limited amount of room for the potential number of crafts I could make and don't want to try so many recipes that I then have to start searching "extreme weight loss" ideas on Pinterest.  As a result, some days will feature me trying to spend the day living one of the quotes on my quote board.
If you find yourself reading this, feel free to write a comment below a post and start suggesting Pinterest projects you'd like me to try (in case you don't have them time to do a test run yourself!).  Here's a list of Pinterest thing I will not be doing (at least not right away....):
1.  Anything involving a crock pot.   I have a fear of burning my apartment down.
2. Chinese proverb tattoos (or any tattoos I find on Pinterest)
3.  Things involving an "outdoor space"  (However, who would complain if I designed a fairy garden in Central Park?)
4. Adopting miniature pigs (or giraffes) 
5.  Majority of things that require my having a child (not going to have a section in my closet labeled "fort making blankets")
6.  Wedding prep, bachelorette party prep, etc.
That's it for now.  I have stocked myself with a hot glue gun, some mason jars, tons of old tee shirts and chalkboard paint to get myself started.  I will have some guests come over and help with projects, so feel free to stop by!

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